Monday, September 28, 2015

Lil Things to Keep in Mind

Hello! I go by the name Canadian MAP. No, I am not a MAP, but I am the MAP. I will not reveal my true identity for I enjoy the sense of anonymity too much. Here a few little things to know:
1. I tend to use gender neutral pronouns (they/them) to describe everybody. Unless it is explicitly stated otherwise, I will be using they/them.
2. A lot of the content of this blog is opinion based, so if anything I say offends you do not be afraid to speak up. I am not against apologizing or admitting I'm wrong. At the same time though, my opinion is my opinion and it is not up to you to try to sway my opinion. I'm willing to listen if you have a quality argument, but I'm stubborn.
3. The "& Things" in the title is most likely a lie. This is an assignment for AP lit and it will mostly be about "quality books".

I truly hope you enjoy!!! 😊 😊


  1. So my first question is that why do you go by Canadian MAP because that's a pretty stellar alias. Also, I'm glad someone enjoys reading just as much as I do so I am not the only dorky one in this group lol. By the seems of it, you like a lot quality based books but do you ever read anything totally fantasy fiction because those are the books I would much rather read than books like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. That book was god awful. Also is this blog going to be as cool as your tumblr because yours is pretty awesome

    1. THANK YOU FOR THE TUMBLR COMPLIMENT!!! I LOVE WHEN PEOPLE LOVE MY TUMBLR!! THANK YOU SO MUCH. Okay so now to answer your questions. Canadian MAP is actually based on my name. My initials spell out MAP, hence the capitalization. I am also part French Canadian (among many other things) and I really love Canada. I don't have a legitimate reason to love Canada, but I do. So I wanted to include Canada. Soon after Canadian MAP was born. To your second question, I actually really want to get into the Percy Jackson series, but with this crazy workload I've got going on, I don't know when I'll have the time. Thirdly, I truly hope this blog is as cool as my tumblr, I intend to put tons of effort into this blog, just as i do my tumblr, but this one will have more of my personality. Of course my tumblr includes my personality, but this will include my own words. I try to include my personality into my writing, so you'll definitely learn more of personality through this than you would through my tumblr.

  2. YAY MORE BOOK LOVERS!!! I honestly wish I had more time for reading but with everything going on I seem to loose more time each day. Canada is awesome and going anon with it is stellar. I hope to figure out tumblr one day and follow it because it seems wicked cool. Some of your books you mentioned are the books I have read for pleasure over the years so we can definitely discuss them. I am so excited to have this tool and maybe we can use this throughout the year about all kinds of books and such.

  3. I really think you're blog is perfect, it has so much voice and interest in what you really like to do! I wish i was more into reading like you are, any good suggestions on books? You look like you know it all about books.
